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Kary Broffman, R.N.,C.H.
Holistic Nurse Health Coach
Integrate your life
It's a balancing act
"... and the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin
Kary's work can help you to/with:
manage stress - apprehensions
set goals - change habits
improve sleep
manage chronic pain and illness
pre-surgery (relaxation)
post surgery (recovery)
smoking cessation
gentle childbirth
weight release
balanced nutrition
immune system enhancement
inflammation in the body
diabetes control
spiritual and personal growth
medical intuition
Imagery, visualization, and hypnosis can be utilized in conjunction with therapy, conventional medical treatment and other complementary modalities. Certain conditions may require a referral from your therapist or physician.
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